What I should be doing now instead of what I'm doing…
1. looking up words on dictionary.com, words I've circled for later dates
better yet continuing the book I started but haven't finished- highlighting words that make me feel inspired or at peace with my surroundings. Making memos of those quotes that made me forget where I'm sitting, who's looking at me and who's not; forget that its cold in the room or that I cut my finger on the edge of the last page or that my coffee cup is almost empty and I have a finance assignment due at 9 tomorrow morning...
AND then for a short second believe that the most important thing in the universe is that I woke up with eyes, able to filter color and trace marks on a page
2. the 20 sketches for my graphic design class
to sketch an adjective is not a fatal task, although some would disagree. It's a freeing exercise to illustrate characteristics and personify words. Creating shapes for conditioners like whimsical, jealous, impulsive, vain, secluded, anxious- Perhaps if we know what they look like, we become armed to more readily identify them on a daily basis. This could give us the power to flee or embrace
3. Calling my best friend
soaking up the rich details of her own mundane life and experiencing them with her. Learning that she got a job cleaning out a yoga studio in exchange for unlimited class, or that she scored the second goal in the field hockey game her team won in Cleveland, or that she spent 12 dollars eating lunch alone at the WholeFoods in Milwaukee but left with company for lunch next week. Maybe it's to reaffirm her that she's the same girl she was in 6th grade- with the same values, innocence, humor- only with longer hair, better judgement, and her own apartment.
Maybe it's to reaffirm myself that genuine spirits still exist or just to ramble on without filter; like pouring secrets into beautiful, glass bottles with big ears and non judgmental hearts.
Maybe it's to reaffirm myself that genuine spirits still exist or just to ramble on without filter; like pouring secrets into beautiful, glass bottles with big ears and non judgmental hearts.
OK, break